Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

May23-25Thesis Defense - Gözde Yazıcı (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Gözde Yazıcı on May 27, 2022 at 9:30 am. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Join Zoom Meeting https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/94185736059?pwd=a3p1Z1M4UzhramFrZ3Q1cERvV3VFQT09 Meeting...
May19-26Thesis Defense - Dilay Merve Temur
You are cordially invited to join the online M.Sc. thesis defence by Dilay Merve Temur on Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 05:00 pm. The thesis title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Join Zoom Meeting https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96347879741?pwd=L3c3UTNtR2dKUzVFVmd1eEpLQ0ZsQT09 Meeting...
May18-24Doktora Yeterlik Sınavı - Esin Şuekinci Kolak
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Doktora Programı öğrencilerimizden Esin Şuekinci Kolak’ın doktora yeterlik sınavı, 23 Mayıs 2022 Pazartesi günü saat 09:30’da (yazılı) ve 14:00’de (sözlü)...
May18Thesis Defense - Ali Kemal Terlemez (PHDDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the Ph.D. thesis defence by Ali Kemal TERLEMEZ (S007990) on Wednesday May 18, 2022 at 1:45 pm. on Cekmekoy Campus AB4-B213. Thesis title and abstract are below. Thesis Subject: AN ASSESSMENT MODEL FOR PARTICIPATORY...
May18-28Tez savunma sınavı - Fevzi Alperen ERSOY
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı öğrencilerimizden Fevzi Alperen ERSOY'un “Haksız Rekabet Hukuku'nda Başkalarının İş Ürünlerinden Yetkisiz Yararlanma”...
May18-28Tez savunma sınavı - Ecem Kök
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı öğrencilerimizden Ecem Kök'ün “Anonim Şirketlerde Borca Batıklık Durumu ve Sonuçları” isimli yüksek lisans tezinin...
May18-26Doktora Yeterlik Sınavı - Anıl Akyıldız
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Hukuku Doktora Programı öğrencilerimizden Anıl Akyıldız’ın doktora yeterlik sınavı, 25 Mayıs 2022 Çarşamba günü saat 10:00’da (yazılı) ve 15:00’de (sözlü)...
May16-23Thesis Defense - Sezercan Uçar (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Sezercan Uçar on May 23, 2022 at 11:00 am. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Join Zoom Meeting https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96836966139?pwd=Mno1TXZLbDl1bmxFOGlENEhJQTViUT09 Meeting...
May16Thesis Defense - Refia Tezer Çakmak (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defence by Refia Tezer Çakmak on Monday May 16, 2022 at 16:00 pm. Title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86193576824?pwd=V9UvgK0oTIUmujz90A6xWQ0pjgGvlW.1 Meeting...
May16Thesis Defense - Özge Barata (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Özge Barata on Thursday May 16, 2022 at 02.00 PM. The tittle and the abstract are below. Thesis Subject: The Contributions of Child Temperament, Parenting Stress, and Bedtime...
May16-26Thesis Defense - Mustafa Kemal İz (PHDDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the online Ph.D. thesis defense by Mustafa Kemal İz on Thursday May 26, 2022 at 02:00 pm. Thesis title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Thesis Subject: From Contemplation...
May16-23Thesis Defense - Mukaddes Kevser Kırbaşoğlu (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defence by M. Kevser Kırbaşoğlu on Thursday May 23, 2022 at 16:00 am. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Join Zoom Meeting: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95295431596?pwd=bmxrT3RsL1dpOXE3UUVlWnJPcXNnUT09 Meeting...
May16-23Thesis Defense - Lale Hanöz (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defence by Lale Hanöz on Monday May 23, 2022 at 01:00 pm. The title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89041310108?pwd=0B6iBi9xh-8JnB0NkuloR0BfipbA8i.1 Passcode:...
May16-23Thesis Defense - Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı (PHDDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the online Ph.D. thesis defense by Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 17:00. The thesis title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Thesis Subject: Title...
May16-23Thesis Defense - Gökçen Avcılar (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Gökçen Avcılar on Monday May 23, 2022, at 10:00 am. The title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below Join Zoom Meeting: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/93285575508?pwd=V0dSSm9CY2NUWktJdG02Z2RsRE5iQT09 Meeting...
May16-24Thesis Defense - Duygu İngeç (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online Thesis Defense by Duygu İngeç (Psychology Master’s Degree Program-Thesis) on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 12:00. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Thesis...
May16-25Ece Cankat - Ph.D. Oral Qualifying Examination
You are cordially invited to join the online Ph.D. Oral Qualifying Examination by Ece Cankat (Design Technology and Society Program-Ph.D.) on 16:00 , 2022 at May 25th. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Thesis...
May16-25Thesis Defense - Beyza Kökçü (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defence by Beyza Kökçü on Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 12:00 am. Thesis title and abstract are below. The exam can be viewed online from the link below. Thesis Subject: Adult Children’s...
May16-27Thesis Defense - Ayça Odabaşı Uyanık (MSDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the Master thesis defense by Ayça Odabaşı Uyanık (Design, Technology and Society Program) on Friday May 27, 2022 at 10:00 on Cekmekoy Campus AB4.214, also available online. The title and the...
May09-14Industrial and Organizational Psychology Master’s Program - Info Meeting
Applications are invited for the Thesis Master’s Program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications : April...
Apr15-May15Psychology Master's Degree Program Online Info Meeting
Psychology Master’s Degree Program will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: April 18 - Mayıs 18, 2022 Online Information Session I : May 14, 2022 ...
Mar25-May24Online Tanıtım Toplantısı - Hukuk Lisansüstü Programları
Hukuk Lisansüstü Programları 2022-2023 Akademik Yılı Güz Dönemi için öğrenci alacaktır. Başvuru takvimini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz: 18 TEMMUZ - 19 AĞUSTOS 2022 ...