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Thesis Defense - Özge Barata (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Özge Barata on Thursday May 16, 2022 at 02.00 PM. The tittle and the abstract are below.
Thesis Subject: The Contributions of Child Temperament, Parenting Stress, and Bedtime Routines to Children’s Sleep Behaviors During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Thesis Advisor: Associate Prof. İbrahim Hakkı Acar
Abstract: The current study examined the direct and indirect contributions of children’s temperament (reactivity, persistence, and rhythmicity), parenting stress, and bedtime routines to Turkish children’s sleep behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, this study also examined the moderating role of parenting stress between children’s temperament and bedtime routines. The sample was 313 mothers of children between 16 and 84 months (M = 52.42, SD= 12.36). Mothers reported their children’s sleep behaviors, children’s bedtime routines, parenting stress, and children’s temperament. Multivariate path analyses were run to test the direct, indirect, and moderating effects. Results indicated that parenting stress was negatively related to children’s sleep behaviors. Further, it was found that consistency of bedtime routine environments was positively associated with children’s sleep behaviors. For the indirect associations, children’s temperament (rhythmicity and reactivity) was indirectly associated with children’s sleep behaviors via consistency of bedtime routines. For moderating effects, parenting stress moderated the association between persistence and consistency of bedtime routine behaviors. In detail, persistence served as a protector factor for the consistent bedtime routine behaviors in the existence of parenting stress. Findings underline the importance of child temperament, parenting stress, and bedtime routines for children’s sleep behaviors. The implications of the findings are discussed in the light of previous research and the bioecological model of human development (Bronfenberenner & Morris, 2007) in considering their functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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