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Thesis Defense - Ayça Odabaşı Uyanık (MSDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the Master thesis defense by Ayça Odabaşı Uyanık (Design, Technology and Society Program) on Friday May 27, 2022 at 10:00 on Cekmekoy Campus AB4.214, also available online.
The title and the meeting links are as follows:
Thesis Subject: Impact of Human Machine Interface Screens on Driver Trust: A Study on Level 4 Autonomous Long Haulage Trucks
Thesis Advisor : Assist.Prof. Dr. Işıl Oygür İLHAN
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 941 3878 0037
Passcode: 859000
Abstract : The goal of current study is to analyze effect of Human Machine Interface (HMI) screens in supporting trust for Level 4 autonomous drive systems for long haulage trucks. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand the current status of drivers’ trust, to identify drive instances where trust needs to be supported, and to develop an in-depth understanding of trust support via HMI screens. Interview questions and drive instances for further investigation were defined based on a preliminary trust questionnaire with use of autonomous drive technology trust constructs. Results show that main driver of trust to Level 4 autonomous trucks relies with driver experience with system competency, but it is not enough on its own. HMI screens are important for drivers throughout the trip. They become especially important to support feeling of reliability to autonomous system under changing weather conditions and feeling of safety during autonomous drive maneuvers. HMI screen can build up confidence by providing adequate solutions to watch over the road and other vehicles in autonomous driving mode. Paper prototypes of HMI screen graphics and design proposals were used as probe materials during the interviews and discussed from trust build up perspective towards autonomous drive technology perspective. Findings from this study indicates it may be considered as a paradigm change for long haulage truck drivers to hand over the drive for extended durations to autonomous drive system. Considering the critical drive decisions they give during the journey for situation management, strictly following a zero-risk driving characteristic and continuously considering what could go wrong, HMI designs can ease and accelerate this transition period from current truck technology to autonomous drive trucks and assist with technology acceptance.
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