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Thesis Defense - Sezercan Uçar (MSPSYC)
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Sezercan Uçar on May 23, 2022 at 11:00 am.
The exam can be viewed online from the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96836966139?pwd=Mno1TXZLbDl1bmxFOGlENEhJQTViUT09
Meeting ID: 968 3696 6139
Passcode: 272723
Thesis Subject: The experiences of noncustodial fathers after divorce and custody: A phenomenological study about parental alienation
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Selenga Gürmen
Abstract: Parental alienation is one of the outcomes that divorced families may experience during and after the divorce process. By using family systems theory as the fundamental framework, the current study explores the experiences of noncustodial fathers in the context of parental alienation after the divorce and custody processes. Seven fathers, who scored higher on the Rowland Parental Alienation Scale than the average score of the sampling pool that consisted of noncustodial fathers (N = 67), were purposefully selected. Parental alienation experiences of fathers were clustered by using interpretative phenomenological analysis, and it yielded six group experiential themes: “Ways of alienation”, “Fathers’ psychological outcomes”, “Shifts in the father-child relationship”, “Experiences with professionals”, “Unfair social structure”, and “Ways to light up darkness”. Current study findings are discussed based on the existing literature, and in the context of clinical and legal implications.
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