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Thesis Defense - Mustafa Kemal İz (PHDDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the online Ph.D. thesis defense by Mustafa Kemal İz on Thursday May 26, 2022 at 02:00 pm. Thesis title and abstract are below.
The exam can be viewed online from the link below.
Thesis Subject: From Contemplation To Spectacle:
Transformation of the Way Of Seeing In the 19th Century Ottoman Culture
Thesis Advisor : Asst. Prof. Dr. Özlem Özkal
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/99140590686?pwd=aFlnNGZ4Z01DYlE2dkNHSzFQcDBwdz09
Meeting ID: 991 4059 0686
Passcode: 536786
In this study, two different ways of seeing are proposed based on the distinction made between the concepts of contemplation [tefekkür] and spectacle [temaşa]. These are the contemplative way of seeing and the spectatorial way of seeing. From this point of view, in this study, the transformation of worldview experienced by the Ottoman Empire in the Westernization process in the 19th century is analyzed through the transformation between these two ways of seeing. Accordingly, during the modernization process of the Ottomans, there was a transformation from the traditional way of seeing –based on contemplation, to the way of seeing based on spectacle. This transformation was examined in four stages: religious, metaphysical, naturalistic and impressionistic. In this process, the mind, nature and the individual began to be viewed with a brand new perspective. Each stage developed around a unique characteristic. The religious stage was dominated by stylization tendency, the metaphysical stage was dominated by metaphysical angst, the naturalist stage was dominated by a picturesque attitude, and the impressionist stage by the impressionist gaze. These four stages have been examined on literary and visual planes, through the works of poets and painters from different generations. In this context, poetry was selected since it was the art form in which the contemplation was the most visible in the Ottoman Empire. Similarly, painting was included in this study as the most visible art form based on spectatorial way of seeing. Overall, this study presents a different reading of the Westernization, modernization and secularization processes of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, through the encounter of two different ways of seeing, their interaction with each other, and their overlaps.
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