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Thesis Defense - Melike Kırmızıtaş (MSPSYC)
Dear all,
You are cordially invited to join the online M.A. thesis defense by Melike Kırmızıtaş on August 10, 2022 at 11:00 am.
The exam can be viewed online from the link below.
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Meeting ID: 929 6719 5352
Passcode: 287511
Thesis Subject: Examining the Role of Interparental Relationship Quality and Parents’ Emotion Regulation on Child’s Emotion Regulation During Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Asiye Kumru
A child’s emotion regulation ability is affected by the family’s emotional environment which is depending on parental features such as parent emotion regulation and the relationship between the parents. Parental emotion regulation is an ability to understand, express, and control their own emotions in appropriate ways. The aim of the current study is to investigate the relationship among child emotion regulation, parent emotion regulation, and interparental relationship in the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, this study attempted to examine the mediating role of maternal emotion regulation in the association between interparental relationship quality and the emotion regulation of children. To test this hypothesis, data was obtained from mothers about their demographic information, interparental relationship quality using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), parent emotion regulation using the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and child emotion regulation using the Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC). The sample consisted of 204 mothers who have 2- to -6 years old children (M: 3.84, SD: 1.34; 55.2% boys, 44.8% girls). Hierarchical regression analysis results showed that there was relationship among child emotion regulation, mothers’ emotion regulation, and the relationship quality of the parents. However, the mediation analysis did not reveal that the association between interparental relationship quality and the emotion regulation of children was mediated by maternal emotion regulation. This study highlights the importance of the family systems in the development of child emotion regulation.
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