Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool
- Patrons are personally responsible for any exercises they perform individually, or any health issues they may have as a result of or in connection with their individual workouts. Patrons who have health problems are recommended to consult a physician. Patrons with any health problem which may cause an issue while working out must inform the instructor on duty before accessing the area of use. Özyeğin University or its staff cannot be held responsible for any health issues or problems patrons may have while using the athletic facilities due to their failure to report their existing health problems.
- A lifeguard is present on the deck at all times whenever the pool is open. Otherwise, the swimming pool is not open.
- Clothes and shoes/athletic shoes worn outside should not be worn on the pool deck.
- The pool is intended for teaching/learning and athletic purposes. Spectators are not admitted to the pool, excluding competitions or athletic activities.
- Patrons must sign in at the entrance to use the pool.
- Non-swimmers are not admitted to the pool without a swimming companion.
- Non-swimmers below 18 years old are not admitted to the pool without their parents. They can only use the pool accompanied by their parents after their parents sign the release of liability form.
- Patrons with open wounds, bandages, cuts, or skin diseases on any part of their bodies, or with communicable diseases are not admitted to the pool.
- All female or male patrons with long hair must wear swimming caps while using the pool, including children. Patrons without swimming caps are not admitted to the pool.
- Pool patrons must wear proper swimming attire, which is swimsuits for women and swim trunks for men. Patrons should never enter the pool wearing sports shorts which are not made for swimming.
- Patrons wishing to use the swimming pool must bring their own materials, and should never request materials from the pool staff.
- Before entering the pool, patrons must take a shower, clean the dirt and germ-holding parts of the body in the showers, and walk through the antiseptic foot bath.
- Showers should never be occupied for more than three minutes.
- Running, boisterous or rough play, or yelling is forbidden in the pool area. Sitting on top of the lane lines is strictly prohibited. Patrons may use the designated benches to rest.
- Only swimming materials are allowed in the pool area. Food or drink is not allowed on the deck.
- Floatables such as beach balls and floats are prohibited.
- Patrons must swim and stay on the right side of the lane lines at all times. Hanging or sitting on the lane lines is not allowed.
- Jumping recklessly (i.e. backflips, twists) in the pool is dangerous and prohibited.
- Dressing and undressing are strictly confined to the designated dressing rooms, and other areas should never be used for such purposes.
- Dressing rooms must be kept clean, and all clothing must be orderly kept in lockers.
- The passwords of the lockers in the dressing rooms must be used according to the instructions written on them.
- Any personal belongings left behind in the lockers in the dressing rooms are collected and placed in Lost & Found at the end of the day. Patrons may contact the staff member on duty for lost and found items.
- Any damage or loss caused by improper use is charged to the party at fault.
- Patrons are personally responsible for their lost valuables or money.
- Patrons must adhere to the instructions and cautions of the staff on duty at all times. Disregard or abuse of the facility rules will result in termination of the use of the facility.
- Any damage or loss caused by misuse is charged to the party at fault.
- For all questions, comments, and requests, patrons must contact Athletic Center Management.