Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

NQF-HETR Catalog
NQF-HETR Catalog
NQF-HETR Catalog
Qualifications for higher education mean any degree, diploma or other certificate issued by a competent authority attesting that particular learning outcomes have been achieved, normally following the successful completion of a recognized higher education program of study. National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey (NQF-HETR) is prepared in accordance with the objectives of Lisbon Strategy published in 2000 by European Union (EU) and with the objectives of Bologna Process in which Turkey joined in 2001. The most important evolution is the fact that the structure is no longer based on learning objectives or length of studies but on learning outcomes of the educational programs. NQF-HETR provides a systematic description of the full range of qualifications within Turkish higher education system, as well as the ways in which learners can navigate between them. In addition, NQF-HETR aims to improve not only the international comparability of qualifications but also the transparency, access, progression and quality of qualifications in relation to the labor market and civil society.
Our students can explore what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of their learning process at Özyeğin University with the NQF-HETR-Program Outcomes Matrix. The Course-Program Outcomes Matrix provides an opportunity to examine the program outcomes as a whole, genuinely on the basis of learning outcomes. The General Information on the Programs describes the enrollment, assessment and graduation processes required by qualifications as well as employment prospects.
NFQ- HETR serves several purposes by
- improving understanding of learning routes and qualifications and how they relate to each other
- improving access to education opportunities
- creating incentives for participation in education
- making progression routes easier and clearer/ improving learner and career mobility
- increasing and improving credit transfer between qualifications which in turn facilitates integrated lifelong learning
- increasing the scope for recognition of prior learning
- ensuring that qualifications are relevant to perceived social and economic needs
- ensuring that education standards are defined by agreed learning outcomes and applied consistently
- ensuring that education providers meet certain quality standards
- securing international recognition for national qualifications.