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Thesis Defense - İrem Özbilgin
You are cordially invited to join the online Thesis Defense by İrem Özbilgin (Psychology Master’s Degree Program-Thesis) on Monday August 1, 2022 at 14:00.
The title and the meeting links are as follows:
Thesis Subject: Exploring Differentiation of Self and Relatıonship Happiness in Newly Married Women: The Mediating Role of Attachment Styles and Attachment Behaviors
Thesis Advisor : Dr. Senem Zeytinoğlu Saydam
Join Zoom Meeting https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/98141535287?pwd=RkpuU1FJTUpWeDFJeG5rUDIrWHRidz09
Meeting ID: 981 4153 5287
Passcode: 909898
The aim of the present study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of differentiation of self, attachment styles, and attachment behaviors, on relationship happiness. The sample consisted of 194 Turkish women. Eligibility criteria included being a woman, being above the age of 25, being married for the first time and for a maximum of 5 years. The participation was online via Qualtrics. The survey set included demographic form, Differentiation of Self Inventory – Revised (DSI-R), Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECRR), Brief Accessibility, Responsiveness, Engagement Scale (BARE) and Relationship Happiness Questionnaire (RHQ). Bivariate correlations and path analysis were run to test the hypotheses. The serial mediation model revealed that DoS predicted attachment behaviors through attachment avoidance, and attachment avoidance predicted relationship happiness through attachment behaviors. Overall, the ability to self-regulate and to remain both autonomous and connected in intimate relationships decreased the individual's discomfort with intimacy, and in turn, enabled the person to remain accessible, responsive, and engaged with their partner, which in turn improved their relationship happiness. These findings suggest that the ability to self-regulate is a prerequisite for avoidantly attached individuals to be able to coregulate with their partners, which will in turn enhance their relationship happiness. Findings are discussed in light of the previous literature considering clinical implications, limitations and future directions.
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