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Thesis Defense by Derin Eralp
You are cordially invited to join the online Thesis Defense by Derin Eralp (Psychology Master’s Degree Program-Thesis) on Monday May 24, 2021 at 12:00.
The title and the meeting links are as follows:
Thesis Subject: The Relatıonshıp Between Parental Acceptance-Rejectıon, Marital Satisfaction and Rejection Sensitivity in Turkish Newlyweds: A Dyadic Mediation Analysis
Thesis Advisor : Dr. Selenga Gürmen
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 938 5026 3799 Passcode: 290316
Early experiences of parental acceptance-rejection can extend into adulthood to shape romantic relationship functioning and satisfaction (Rohner, 2005). Although there are studies that have shown the positive associations between parental acceptance and relationship satisfaction, nearly all of these studies have looked at dating relationships (e.g., Varan, 2005). The influence of a couple’s remembered parental acceptance-rejection on their marital satisfaction can be especially significant during their first years of marriage, in which a new family system is being formed with close levels of contact to the parents and in-laws. Moreover, according to the systems theory, each spouse’s parental acceptance-rejection experiences is expected to affect both their own and the other spouse’s perception of marriage satisfaction (Kerr, 1981). Hence, the current study aimed to investigate the dyadic associations between parental acceptance-rejection and marital satisfaction in Turkish and Turkish Cypriot newlyweds. Rejection sensitivity was also examined as a potential mediating mechanism in this link.
The participants comprised 111 newly-married dyads (111 wives and 111 husbands) who were married for at most 5 years. Both wives and husbands reported their maternal acceptance-rejection, paternal acceptance-rejection, rejection sensitivity and marital satisfaction. Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and APIM Mediation Model (APIMeM) were conducted. Separate APIM and APIMeM analyses were conducted for maternal and paternal acceptance-rejection, hence a total of four models were analysed. APIM analyses have revealed that husbands’ maternal acceptance was associated with both their own and their wives’ marital satisfaction. The APIMeM analyses have shown that wives’ rejection sensitivity mediated wives’ maternal acceptance and marital satisfaction as well as paternal acceptance and marital satisfaction. Similarly, husbands’ rejection sensitivity mediated the relationship between their own paternal acceptance and marital satisfaction as well as their own maternal acceptance and marital satisfaction. Lastly, husbands’ rejection sensitivity mediated the association between wives’ paternal acceptance and husbands’ marital satisfaction. The results and clinical implications were discussed.
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