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Thesis Defense by Melis Yüceer
You are cordially invited to join the online Thesis Defense by Melis Yüceer (Psychology Master’s Degree Program-Thesis) on Thursday June 1, 2021 at 09:00.
The title and the meeting links are as follows:
Thesis Subject: Ethnicity-Related Partner Selection Experiences Among Young Adults from Christian Armenian Families: A Qualitative Study In Turkey
Thesis Advisor : Dr. Senem Zeytinoğlu
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 1065 0664
Passcode: 640714
In this paper partner selection experiences of young Armenian adults is examined through a qualitative study. The study is based on Ecological Systems Theory and Filter Theory as a theoretical basis. The historical background of partner selection literature, brief history of Armenians living in Anatolia and social context of Turkey for Armenian young adults, Ecological Systems Theory and Filter Theory are explained. The literature review of partner selection has reviewed in 5 subtitles as: theoretical foundations of partner selection, marriage market limitations in partner selection, cultural differences and universal dimensions in partner selection, interethnic partnering and marriage, and partner selection studies in Turkey. The study is conducted with 10 participants. Data is analysed by using thematic analysis via MAXQDA for determining emerging themes to examine common experiences of the participants. Nine themes and fifteen subthemes have emerged from interviews. Themes are as following: 1.Shift in partner selection recommendations to their children, 2.Shift in attitude towards partner selection due to predicted r/ship duration, 3.Choosing an Armenian partner is a priority, 4.Implementing other selection filters than ethnic identity, 5. Community disapproves out-group marriages, 6. Friends tend to select Armenian partners w/out isolating others, 7. Families impliment and contain partner restriction, 8. Strength of ties to Armenian Culture/Community enhance in, 9. Concerns about sustaining culture/population promote in group partner selection. Themes and Subthemes explained and discussed in results and dicussion sections.Emerged themes and subthemes have provided a detailed insight into partner selection experiences of young Armenian Adults.
Key words: Partner selection, minorities, Ecological Systems Theory, qualitative study
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