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Thesis Defense - Celal Ozan Berk Yavuz (MSCS)
Celal Ozan Berk Yavuz - M.Sc. Computer Science
Asst. Prof. Reyhan Aydoğan – Advisor
Date: 27.08.2020
Time: 10:00
Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. An e-mail is sent to gizem.bakir@ozyegin.edu.tr in order to participate in this defense.
An Agent-Based Negotiation Approach for Supply Chains
Thesis Committee:
Asst. Prof. Reyhan Aydoğan, Özyeğin University
Asst.Prof. Dr. İsmail Arı, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Ömer Korçak, Marmara University
A supply chain is a network depicting the flow of goods from suppliers to end cus-tomers. In a supply chain, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers interact with each other to buy, process, store and sell products. In an efficient supply chain costs are aimed to be minimized while profits are to be maximized. To achieve this, the supply chain entities need to interact with each other wisely. For example, they need to agree on contracts in a way that does not cause infeasibilities in the delivery orpayment. While doing this they aim to maximize their profit. In this thesis, I worked on a supply chain simulation, namely the supply chain world, which is a competition held in Supply Chain Management League (SCML) of the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC). In my work, I implemented a factory manager agent which procures products from other agents, process some of them, and sells it with profit to other agents. The interactions with other agents are done in bilateral negotiation protocol. The motivation in my agent is determining a good level of altruism and greediness in negotiations depending on the supply and demands of products. I tested my agent with the top performing agents in the SCML 2019 and the experiment results show that it effectively adjusted it’s greediness and altruism based on the supply demand ratio and beat the agents in the competition.
Ozan Yavuz is a master’s degree student in Ozyegin University. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a minor degree in computer science in Ozyegin University. His research interests include multi-agent systems, automated negotiation, deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. He had publications in Turkish Journal of electrical engineering & computer sciences and International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. His work in these publications involves an implementation of a reinforcement learning-based acceptance strategy for bilateral negotiations and a supply chain agent involving negotiations in order to procure goods and sell it with profit. His other interests include software engineering and mobile application development. Currently, he is working in Huawei as a software engineer.
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