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Thesis Defense - Alpaslan Garip (MSIE)
Alpaslan Garip - M.Sc.
Asst.Prof. Görkem Yılmaz – Advisor
Asst.Prof. İhsan Yanıkoğlu – Co-advisor
Date: 20.08.2020
Time: 11:00
Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail to gizem.bakir@ozyegin.edu.tr in order to participate in this defense.
A Multistage Scenario Optimization Procedure for
Capacity Planning in TV Production Final Assembly Lines
Thesis Committee:
Asst.Prof. Görkem Yılmaz, Özyeğin University
Asst.Prof. İhsan Yanıkoğlu, Özyeğin University
Asst.Prof. Erinç Albey, Özyeğin University
Asst.Prof. Mehmet Önal, Özyeğin University
Asst.Prof. Umman Mahir Yıldırım, Bilgi University
Vestel Electronics is a large-scale TV producer that has an important share in the European television market. High-End Factory, where Vestel assembles 20 different TVs in size, consists of 14 final assembly lines. High-End Factory averagely produces more than a million products in 1000 orders of a monthly basis. Vestel aims to schedule 3 months’ production plan before all the customer orders are not realized. Therefore, production planning becomes even more difficult when the amount of demands is unknown. To overcome this uncertain production planning problem, we demonstrate a multi-stage, multi-item capacitated stochastic lot-sizing problem with the objective of minimizing total cost by taking worker group assignment, backlogging, and stock into consideration. We propose 3 different mathematical models to overcome the planning problem. Model 1 and Model 2 have a similar stage structure. In Model 1, only backlogging and stock quantity decisions have wait-and-see structure whereas in Model 2, line status and worker group assignment decisions are converted from a here-and-now structure to a wait-and-see structure. In addition, an extra order option has been added. Model 3 has been proposed for the insolubility situation expected to occur with the increase in the number of stages. Stages are designed in a multi-period structure in Model 3. Although this change affects the demand structure, Model 3 makes it easier to solve the problem. It is observed that the problem solution time is shortened with Model 3.
Alpaslan Garip received his bachelor's degree from the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Istanbul Technical University in 2015. He has been working in the R&D department of Vestel Electronics since 2015.
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