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Thesis Defense - Mert Şahin (MSEE)
Mert Şahin- M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prof. Fatih Uğurdağ - Advisor
Date: 20.08.2020
Time: 15:00
Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail to gizem.bakir@ozyegin.edu.tr in order to participate in this defense.
Thesis Committee:
Prof. Fatih Uğurdağ, Özyeğin University
Prof. Taylan Akdoğan, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Tacha Serif, Yeditepe University
Simulation technologies are a must-use tool in the software development and testing process in the automotive industry. In this thesis an online real-time simulation environment is presented to evaluate vehicle control algorithms with their real-time response performance. Also, to perform an experiment driving vehicle from the cloud with energy consumption prediction is intended. Last but not least, reducing operational costs of Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) systems for small research groups and companies is aimed. In the scope of this thesis, unique online real-time simulation use cases have been discussed and alternative ones have been defined. In this context, these use-cases are driving a vehicle from the cloud, evaluating performance of vehicle control algorithms, and design of an online HIL replacement with a novel approach to embedded software testing. From this approach, the presented tool is named Cloud- In-the-Loop (CIL). Moreover, to make the testing of controllers well-coordinated it is useful to have a model of a vehicle as a separate process on a separate computer in the network. It also makes the maintenance of the vehicle model and the whole simulator easier. The presented environment in this thesis designed to have features such as terrain data extraction, graphical user interface (GUI), Server/Client (S/C) communication with socket programming, multiple client handling with multi-threading, and ability to run vehicle models in the cloud. Environment put under evaluation to test these features. As a result of evaluations, the developed environment can drive vehicles from the cloud for coordinated cloud driving applications, can be used as vehicle control algorithm evaluation tool in terms of real-time response performance, and can serve as CIL service to replace HIL systems.
Mert Şahin obtained his undergraduate degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) from Özyeğin University in 2016. After that, he started working in the research and development of the automotive industry. He has experience in the development of application software (ASW) for vehicle control units, ensuring safety measures according to ISO 26262 standards and integration of electronic stability program (ESP). He has been pursuing his MSc degree in EEE under the supervision of Prof. Dr. H. Fatih Uğurdağ.
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü